How Do I Start Calligraphy?
If you want to learn calligraphy, it is important to choose the right pen and paper for the task. Using a small pen will take too much time to color a letter. Furthermore, if you try to use too much shading, your letters will look clunky. A thick pen will be much more suitable.
Practice makes perfect with calligraphy
When it comes to calligraphy, practice makes perfect - but the type of practice is crucial. While practice does help you become better, practice with a specific goal in mind. This will allow your mind and body to work together to achieve the desired result. For best results, choose a specific element to work on every time you practice. This will help you become more skilled, and your calligraphy will thank you for it.
Avoid roadblocks and downtimes in calligraphy
The road to mastering calligraphy will undoubtedly have ups and downs, but the key to success is not to get discouraged! Rather, try to remember why you are learning calligraphy in the first place. This drive and curiosity is what got you started, and it is what will keep you going. Allow yourself to make mistakes and reinvent yourself along the way. It is important to remember that calligraphy is a fun, creative, and challenging hobby, so make sure to treat it that way.
Find the right pens and paper
Before you start learning calligraphy, you need the right paper and pens. You should choose 100-gsm paper for calligraphy because this prevents the ink from fraying. Papers like JK Excel bond and Cedar are recommended. You can also check out user reviews on the Internet. These reviews can help you choose the right paper and pens.
It is best to get paper that is not too rough or slippery. This will prevent ink from flowing across your paper and will prevent you from making messes. Also, make sure to choose practice papers with laid-out designs. You can even buy online notepads that come with dotted-grid paper, which will keep your letters proportional.